Canesha Sinclair

Home After 19 Years

Canesha endured a traumatic childhood, witnessing death and addiction, then experiencing abuse throughout her youth. Seeking mentorship and guidance, she fell in with the wrong crowd. At 20 years old, Canesha was sentenced to 43 years in prison for robbery and assault with a firearm. This was her first time being sentenced as an adult.

While incarcerated, Canesha was committed to growth and transformation. She completed 70 self-improvement courses, as well as earning her GED, two associate degrees, and multiple vocational certifications. She also founded a gang prevention program to help incarcerated women understand the drivers of their original offense and support them in their ongoing rehabilitation. In prison, Canesha was known for her desire to step into positions of leadership as a facilitator, and for her generosity (she donated a number of times to various initiatives while incarcerated).

After serving 19 years and 6 months inside, the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office recommended Canesha’s release, recognizing her commitment to transformation. For The People supported the resentencing process under our Together Home initiative which aims to safely bring more women and mothers home.

Today, Canesha is living in transitional housing, where she is supporting and being supported by other women who are reentering their communities after prison. Canesha is currently four courses away from earning her Bachelor’s Degree and is working as a Peer Mentor. 

We’re so grateful to be part of her journey. Let’s bring more people like Canesha home!


Glen Albrecht


Salvador Vasquez