community Firas Nasr community Firas Nasr

Spanish: Resentencing & Reentry Support Guide

A guide designed to support incarcerated people and their family members who are interested in pursuing the resentencing process under AB 2942.


Una guía diseñada para apoyar a las personas encarceladas y sus familiares que estén interesados ​​en continuar con el proceso de nueva sentencia bajo AB 2942.

A guide designed to support incarcerated people and their family members who are interested in pursuing the resentencing process under AB 2942.

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community Firas Nasr community Firas Nasr

Resentencing & Reentry Support Guide

A guide designed to support incarcerated people and their family members who are interested in pursuing the resentencing process under AB 2942.


A guide designed to support incarcerated people and their family members who are interested in pursuing the resentencing process under AB 2942.

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Prosecutor Firas Nasr Prosecutor Firas Nasr

DA Toolkit

A toolkit for prosecutors to implement Prosecutor-Initiated Resentencing in their jurisdiction.


A toolkit for prosecutors to implement Prosecutor-Initiated Resentencing in their jurisdiction.

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